Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ohio Travels (Cleveland & Columbus)

I have a love/hate relationship with Ohio.  Mostly Northeast Ohio.

I love this place because this is where I was when I first decided to dabble in these little adventures. 

I hate this place because of all the freaking crazy weather!!!  80 one day and 40 the next?  I had on shorts the other day and if your weatherman is accurate I'll need to break out the Northface and Uggs tomorrow!!!!!  wtf guys!  ;)

But I'm here.  And I'll probably be here at least a couple days a month over the next couple months - family stuff I won't bore you with.

Those that know me know that I break every rule that I try to make so let's talk in terms of general guidelines ;)

I'll be available to host in Cleveland but I'll need a bit of a heads up.  Preferably 24 hours but I get that sometimes 24 hours planning sucks.  Shoot me an email and we'll figure it out.

I'll be available to travel to you in both Cleveland and Columbus typically with several hour notice.  However I will request that if you would like me to meet you in Columbus that you make our adventure a minimum of two hours.

I am super excite about being able to see all of my old Ohio friends and always up for making a couple new ones ;)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sorta Like A Man

I've had the same conversation with a lot of the friends I've made...

"well lizzie what made you get into this"

I spend a few minutes pouring my heart out and then we giggle about how my reasons for being involved in this little song and dance are more aligned with the men suitors than the female entertainers.

And so like so many of the awesome gentleman that I've had the opportunity to meet I participate in our fun for reasons of fantasy.  To allow myself to be someone that I'm not.  Or maybe to allow myself to be who I really am...

Sometimes we want to play, we want to have a very naughty adventure in a private hotel room late at night with a perfect stranger.  And sometimes we just want a nightcap and a good pillow.

I do apologize to those of you that have emailed and received no response.  I hope you'll reach out to me again.

I hope you respect that I come out to play when the spirit moves me.  I always want to have mind blowing experiences.  I want you to not be able to think straight when we part.  I hope you don't think less of me that I, much like you, need to have the right psyche to give you (and me) what we want.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

** August 19th - 22nd Tour Dates (and a surprise!)

I'm going to be in DC this week but will have tons of personal commitments!  I want to sneak away and play while I'm in town but it might be a little tricky and will need your help!

I will mostly be able to sneak away during the day for visits to your home or hotel.  Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to be able to host that week but maybe if we plan in advance...

I'm not sure how it will all work out but I'll be there and if you're there maybe we can make plans to be naughty together ;)

Monday, August 4, 2014

More Selfies ;)

I've had pretty awesome feedback with the last few photos so here's a few more for you to *ahem* lust over ;)

I promise you guys some more professional quality shots over the next few weeks!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Photos (maybe???)

Lately, I've been thinking about the idea of adding photos to my website and in my various ads...

I'm a little nervous about the whole "will my neighbor know it's me" but I think it could be fun and I like dressing up all girly and taking photos!

I'm going to start by throwing up a couple discreet "selfies" and see what happens...
So here it is....

My first official public photos ;)

I hope you like them!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

I Always Promised Myself...

(And You Guys) that if this ever started to feel more like "work" and less like fun than I was going to take a time out.

And it did start to happen.

And I took a time out.

It's funny a little.  You guys think I'm strange (I know) and most every other girl that's involved in this industry that I've talked to think that my reasons for doing this are crazy.  Insane actually.  But the reasons are mine. After all, I don't question you about your involvement.  I make no judgments against anyone that I've met or talked to.  So it seems silly to do the same to me, right?

So I think I'm resurfacing this week.

Going to have a little fun....

Why not?

The Spring always brings out the naughty in me...

Open toe pumps, short skirts, no big bulky jackets that I have to bundle up in...

Seems like the perfect time to me...

What about you?

*** So if you haven't heard from me in the past couple weeks know that it's not because you did anything wrong, or I don't like you anymore, or anything crazy like that.  I just wanted to chill for a little bit.  And I promise to connect with you soon  :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Geeeessshhh! Is winter over yet??!!!???!!!!!

I definitely consider my self an east coast girl at heart but geez!  This has not been a good winter to live and travel around the North East!

With the weather, flight cancellations and schedule adjustments I've decided to flip some travel days around! 

Working on updating all the dates and connecting with those that the changes will affect!

Don't spank me!!!

(Well, at least not hard ;-)